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We offer a 15-day free trial of our product in 24 countries, If you don't like the product you received,please return the goods directly and you can get a full refund. But please remember to choose "I don't want it anymore" as the reason for the dispute, so that you don't need to pay the shipping fee when you return it,and get full refund ! ( if it is other reasons, you may be charged a high shipping fee.)
Streaming Telescopic Game Controller
1.Support for iOS/Android/PS3/PS4/Switch /PC;
2.With hall rocker, hall trigger, cross keys, ABXY with conductive silicone design;
3. Support macro programming, one key burst, Turbo, asymmetric dual motor function;
4.Compatible with 130~280mm devices, support for ipad, Tablet, Y700 y so on.
5.Support for PS5 remote streaming, play host games through mobile phones.
6.Support Gamepad Space, you can customize the keys according to your own operating habits.