PCI-E GDC External Laptop Video Card Dock Graphics Card Laptop Docking Station (Mini PCI-E /NGFF M.2 A Key/Expresscard Interface Version)
EXP GDC is the laptop external graphics adapter equipment; it can help you to use the external independent high-performance graphics, can be used to access any of the PCI-E interface equipment, used to enhance the performance of the laptop, so that you can play those huge games requesting high-performance graphics.
Support Interface : PCI-E X16
Input Interface : Mini PCI-E/NGFF M.2 A Key/Expresscard
Extand Support : PCI-E X16 DMI 5 GT/s
Power : Max. 220W(8Pin interface)/Max. 150W(DC interface)
USB : 1.0/1.1/2.0
Compatible system : Windows XP/7/10,Linux
EXP GDC Laptop external independent video card dock w/ expresscard data line and 6 Pin/8 Pin power supply cable.
Dual TD compatible switch (resolution of hardware conflict).
High quality imported electronic component, multistage anti interference and Isolation protection circuit.
Multi power automatic switching (support for soft start).
Enhanced MINI PCI-E data line with 26pin interface, supports 54 type and 34 type expresscard interface.
With 6pin interface for connecting video card power supply; 8pin interface for connecting EXP GDC power supply.
Use for engineering measurement, data collection, server debugging, GPU computing and other industrial applications, of course, still be used to access most of the graphics card to play the game.
EXP GDC is a NOTEBOOK external graphics adapter equipment, do not include graphics card.
If you use your notebook display, please make sure it comes with Intel (R) HD graphics and connected above GTS450 as NVIDIA graphics. Otherwise you need external monitor.
This products doesn't support these laptop model , please don't make the order if you use these laptop :
Asus (N55SF, N75 ACPI, ASUS A53XI24 1SV-SL, K43SD, A73S, K53SD, X8dij, A43s, n55sl, k45dr)
Lenovo E530, L430, E43, U410, E49, K49, G50-75M(New Add)
HP H533OM, 6910, 5310M
Hasee ui45, EVI4
Haier T68
Acer 4739z Acer E1-451G
Samsung 450
Support list :
For Lenovo W530/T520/W520/X220/X220/TZ570/T420/Y460/Y560/T410/E420/X201/X201s Edge/ /T410s/T400/T510/X201T/X200/W500/T61p/X61/T61/T60/T520/T420S//y470/T420I/Y480/G480/k580s/E520/Y580/G500/E46A/Y530/G510/Y400/G500/V460/Y560P/y480n/y480/E420/K29/B470/Z470/L421/SL410K/E420S/G470/G450/z465/Y500/V370/G430/Z370/Y485/Y410P/v1000/s410p/y471a/s230u/V570/e420s/Z500/V470/Y40 70/G710 AT-ISE/y430p/S400/SR1000/B5400/405S/A8/Y50/Z501/Z480/Z580/U310/K46A/z380
For Dell E6520Vostro/3450/XPS15/L502Studio/1557/E6220/M4500/E6420/E4300Studio/1557XPS 1645E4310M4600Insp.1545XPS/1340E4300 XPS 1640 E6500Insp 1420XPS 1340Vostro 1500 1440Vostro v130XPS M1530D830M1330Studio 1555Insp 1520Vostro 1310E15051545E6520E6520E 6220E 5410E 4310E 641014RM12104600MD630E64206320N4120N50103421N3010772014R4728152014rd658N411014RD658inspiron15-3521e632074205537xps164515r7520767015R 4526 5547 773014R 5420M6600752055374050vostro3300n3420L702X3542155815 75484z-5423 E6230
For Sony Z21VPC-Z11, VPC-Z13, VPC-Z12, VGN-FW45Z46GD, VGN-NS110eEA27ECVPCCA36ECEA47ECCB36ECNw35eEA200CS138Vgn-nw71fbSVT11138CCS, vpcs128ec, FW17Z45vpcea25fgvpcea18ec, VPCEB26FXVPCZ138GGsve14a28ccsPcg-71212tSVE 141
For HP 4530s/2560P/8460P/4330s/2540P/8440P/DV4-2000/2530P/2740P/6930P/6930P/2730P/HDX9000/ Pavilion DV4/DV9690en/CQ60/DV7126/7CLHDX16HDX18TTX22510PDV7-3020EDDV2000dv2416US6910PNC640021334530sHp8440p14 beatsG42DV51220TXN51108570PCQ35-219TXDV2804TXCQ45CQ40CQ42 285TX8560P2730p4321sDV7HP44318470P2570Penvy17j120usHP6450BHP 8470Pcq15-102tx/2570P/8460P
For Fujitsu AH531/T731/S6420/T901/T5010/U9200/AH56/Gnh532
For Acer 5755G/3820TG/5920G/5620Z/5742G/6930/5620/1810TZ/5720G/1410 Ferrari One/4752G/4750G/E1-471G/5750G/5951G/E1-571G/V3-571G/V5-472G/4315/V5-471G/V3-772G/4738G/4745G/E5-511G/5552G
For MSI CX623/CR720/A6200-021US/CR630/M610/GX640/GE60
For Toshiba R840/A665/L305-S5921/L300/A505-6965/L300/L305-S5921/M332/M780/L700/L650-02B/L800
For Clevo M860T/UM570RU
For Sager NP2096/NP8662/NP5793
For NEC Versa E6500
For Asus F8SA/X42JR/X59SL/1015PEM/M60J/Y581/CX81/x55v/X450VB/X450JS/x450c/N61JV/x402ca/U24E/r400/P53SJ/n75sl/n75s/N61JQ/N56/n55sf/n53/k56c/k55vd/K53SV/K52DR/k45vs/K43SM/a55vd/K42JB/K40IP/K40IN/g73sw/F83se/A73S/A55VM/A53/a450j/A43X/A43s/a42j/k55vm/k43/SDG74S/XN43sl/n55sl/k55vm/A45/K56CB/K43DK42kv/X55XI237VD-SL/X550VC/N81/VG X751L/A53S/A53SM/a450jf
For LG P300
For Samsung R780/NP300E4A/NP270E5J-K01CN/r428/rv420
For HASEE A460-I7/K590C/A560P/K580P/A430/K470p/460P/A550/k602c/K590S/K500DE400/K500C-i7 /D1/k660E/A460p-i7/K480N
For Tsinghua University u49fK41H/A14RM0C
For Blue sky p170em
For Haier 7g-2X5P
For Gigabyte p15f V2
For Fangzhengyihe a600
Graphics Card :
1. The list of recommended graphics card:
GTX650 GTX660 GTX670 GTX750 GTX760 GTX950
GTX960 GTX970 GTX980 GTX1060 GTX1070 GTX1080
And for other graphics cards, may be they can also be used, but the compatibility and performance are not as good as the cards in list. So we do not recommend to buy.
2. For GTX 1060 1070 1080
They are compatible with EXP GDC, but you must install the Auguest 2016 driver(372.70 version). And GTX 1080 is the most powerful we Recommend.
3. For GTX1030 GTX1050 GTX1050Ti GTX1070Ti GTX1080Ti
The technician tell us that these cards are new product and the drive is not perfectly to support this product. So, we do not recommend you to buy it.

These laptop is suitable for this product :
For Lenovo
W530T520W520X220X220TZ570T420Y460Y560PT410E420X201X201sEdge 14T410sT400T510X201TX200W500T61pX61TT61T60T520T420Sy470T420IY480G480k580sE520Y580G500E46AY530G510Y400G500V460Y560Py480ny480E420K29B470Z470L421SL410KE420SG470G450z465Y500V370G430Z370Y485Y410Pv1000s410py471as230uV570e420sZ500V470Y40 70G710AT-ISEy430pS400SR1000B5400405S A8Y50Z501Z480Z580U310K46Az380 x230t
For Dell
E6520Vostro 3450XPS15.L502Studio 1557E6220M4500E6420E4300Studio 1557XPS 1645E4310M4600Insp.1545XPS 1340E4300XPS 1640E6500Insp 1420XPS 1340Vostro 15001440Vostro v130XPS M1530D830M1330Studio 1555Insp 1520Vostro 1310E15051545E6520E6520E6220E5410E4310E641014RM12104600MD630E64206320N4120N50103421N3010772014R4728152014rd658N411014RD658inspiron15-3521e632074205537xps164515r7520767015R 45265547773014R 5420M6600752055374050vostro3300n3420L702X3542155815 75484z-5423E6230
For Sony
Z21VPC-Z11VPC-Z13VPC-Z12VGN-FW45Z46GDVGN-NS110eEA27ECVPCCA36ECEA47ECCB36ECNw35eEA200CS138Vgn-nw71fbSVT11138CCSvpcs128ecFW17Z45vpcea25fgvpcea18ecVPCEB26FXVPCZ138GGsve14a28ccsPcg-71212tSVE 141
For HP
4530s2560P8460P4330s2540P8440PDV4-20002530P2740P6930P6930P2730PHDX9000Pavilion DV4DV9690enCQ60DV71267CLHDX16HDX18TTX22510PDV7-3020EDDV2000dv2416US6910PNC640021334530sHp8440p14 beatsG42DV51220TXN51108570PCQ35-219TXDV2804TXCQ45CQ40CQ42 285TX8560P2730p4321sDV7HP44318470P2570Penvy17 j120usHP6450BHP8470Pcq15-102tx2570P8460P DV7-4050er
For Fujitsu: AH531T731S6420T901T5010U9200AH56/Gnh532
For Acer
5755G3820TG5920GEX5620Z5742G6930952556201810TZ5720G1410Ferrari One4752G4750GE1-471G5750G5951GE1-571GV3-571GV5-472G4315V5-471Gv3772g4738GAcer4745gE5-511G5552g
For MSI CX623CR720A6200-021USCR630M610GX640GE60
For Toshiba R840A665L305-S5921L300A505-6965L300L305-S5921M332M780L700L650-02BL800
For Clevo M860TUM570RU
For Sager NP2096NP8662NP5793
For NEC Versa E6500
For Asus
For LG P300
For Samsung R780NP300E4ANP270E5J-K01CNr428rv420
For HASEE A460-I7K590CA560PK580PA430K470p460PA550k602cK590SK500DE400K500C-i7 D1k660EA460p-i7K480N
For Tsinghua University u49fK41HA14RM0C
For Blue sky p170em
For Haier 7g-2X5P
For Gigabyte p15f V2
For Fangzhengyihe a60
We accept Escrow .You could use Visa and Mastercard,T/T,Western Union,Moneybookers through Ecrow,etc.
1. WORLDWIDE SHIPPING. (Except some countries and APO/FPO)
2. Orders processed timely after the payment verification.
3. We only ship to confirmed order addresses. Your order address MUST MATCH your Shipping address.
4. SERVICE TRANSIT TIME is provided by the carrier and excludes weekends and holidays. Transit times may vary, particularly during the holiday season.
5. If you have not received your shipment within estimated days from payment, please contact us. We will track the shipment and get back to you as soon as possible with a reply. Our goal is customer satisfaction!
6. Due to stock status and time differences, we will choose to ship your item from our first available warehouse for fast delivery.
7. Delivery Time: Please contact us for more details.
return refund
1. You have 7 days to contact us and 30 days to return it from the date it was received. If this item is in your possession more than 7 days, it is considered used and WE WILL NOT ISSUE YOU A REFUND OR REPLACEMENT. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! Shipping cost is bear by both seller and buyer in half.
2. All returned items MUST BE in the original packaging and you MUST PROVIDE us with the shipping tracking number, specific reason for the return.
3. We will refund YOUR FULL WINNING BID AMOUNT, upon receipt of the item in its original condition and packaging with all components and accessories included, AFTER BOTH Buyer and Seller cancel the transaction from aliexpress. OR, you may choose to have a replacement.
4. We will bear all the shipping cost if the produt(s) is (are) not as advertised.
Since your feedback is very important to our business development, we sincerely invite you to leave positive feedback for us if you are satisfied with our product and service. If you dissatisfied with it, please kindly contact us before leaving any negative and neutral feedback. We will try our best to solve the problem and satisfy you. Thank you very much!