Original Shimano FLIEGEN 35 SD35 Longcast Surf Cast Spinning Fishing Reel Shallow Surfcasting Reel
Shimano FLIEGEN Surf Reel
This eye-catching surf reel is designed to be both light and strong. Equipped with the new X-Protect system, all inner parts of the reel are protected by means of a labyrinth structure and a non-contact style protection which doesn't impair rotation lightness. Next to that, the Fliegen is equipped with a newly designed CI4+ rotor, the well known X-SHIP system, and the new Hi-Speed Drag. The body of the reel is HAGANE in order to ensure strength and to protect the inner parts of the reel like the strong HAGANE Gear and the refined X-SHIP system. The newly designed CI4+ rotor of the Fliegen SD and the G-Free Body contribute a lot to the ligthweight feel of the reel. The Parrallel body desing eliminates line touching the blank when casting, resulting in longer and more accurate casts.