Attention! The frosted surface can easily scratch the string. It is not recommended to buy if you mind, PLEASE choose products made of other materials!</
GUSHDuring his championship of the Sunken Isles, Leviathan gained mastery over the open sea.Diameter:58MMWidth:51.2MMWeight:65.5GMaterial:AL6061Summons a gush of water to damage an enemy unit,...
RAVAGE - yozeanSlams the ground, causing tentacles to erupt in all directions, damaging and stunning all nearby enemy units.Calling to the abyssal god Maelrawn has re￾sulted in entire armadas being...
Anchor SmashStolen from one of Admiral Kunkka's flag￾ships, Leviathan's heavy anchor proves useful as a melee weapon.Diameter:56MMWidth:46.7MMWeight:65GMaterial:AL6061Tidehunter swings his mighty...