Welcome to Viola store,It's lucky to meet u here.Every product is selected before listed,and each picture in this store was real taken by Viola,we do quality goods only!maybe you can find some ties looks same in pictures but with different prices in different stores,here I have 200% confidence to guarantee that our quality is the best if you find a same style,cause I always choose the best factory,which do big order for export brands.I want to give you the best.Everyone,wish u a happy shopping experience. ——Viola
Gender: Men&Women
Material: 100% Cotton
Size: 23cm(8.97 inch) x 23cm(8.97 inch)
(1 inch = 2.54 cm, 1 cm = 0.39 inch)
Note 1: Due to the difference in the measurement method, please allow 0-3 cm in size deviation
Note 2: There might be slight difference in color, because of the computer monitor settings.