
Dent Lifter Tool

Package include:
Kit 1 - "Standard kit"
1 * 100w Black Hot Melt Glue Gun
10 * Hot Melt Glue Sticks (11*170mm)
1 * 2in1 T Slide Hammer
1 * Black Dent lifter
1 * Metal Tap Down Pen with 9Pcs replaceable heads
1 * Black Dent Pulling Bridge
10 * Black Dent Glue Tabs
12 * Black special Dent Glue Tabs
5 * Black Dent Glue Tabs (only for pulling bridge)
1 * Empty Spary Bottle
1 * Rubber Shovel
1 * Duster Cloth
1 * Super PDR User Instruction
1 * Yellow Tool Bag
Kit 2 - "Professional kit":
1 * Rubber Hammer
1 * 100w Black Hot Melt Glue Gun
20 * Hot Melt Glue Sticks(Black/Yellow)
1 * LED Black Lined Board
1 * 2in1 T Slide Hammer
2 * Yellow&Black Dent Puller
1 * Black Dent Lifter
1 * Silver Dent Pulling Bridge
1 * Metal Tap Down Pen with 9Pcs replaceable heads
5 * Black Dent Glue Tabs for Pulling Bridge
1 * Hot wind Shovel
27 * Black Dent Glue Tabs
1 * Black Square Pump Wedge
1 * Empty Spary Bottle
1 * Rubber Shovel
1 * Duster Cloth
1 * Super PDR user Instruction
1 * Yellow Tool Bag
Kit 3- "For 2-8cm dent kit"
1 * 100w Black Hot Melt Glue Gun
10 * Hot Melt Glue Sticks (11*170mm)
1 * Silver dent bridge
6 * Black Dent Glue Pull Tabs
1 * Empty Spary Bottle
1 * Rubber Shovel
1 * Duster Cloth
1 * Super PDR user Instruction