The fourth installment of Ayumi Muramatsu's popular series ``Illustrated Book of Fantastic Creatures'' is a combination of dinosaurs and the traditional Japanese carving technique ``Miyabori''.
A capsule toy that recreates the detailed beauty of Saigurou, a fusion of powerful dinosaurs and Japanese motifs.
There are 1 shape and 4 types in total. Each coloring has a design inspired by trees such as cypress and zelkova, creating a wabi-sabi effect.
Delivered on an overwhelming scale with a total length of approximately 200mm!
Illustrated encyclopedia of fantasy creatures IV Ryu Shimiya
■Red Cypress Dragon
■Black cypress dragon
■White Keyaki Dragon
■White Fang Dragon
Price: Unit price ¥500 (tax included) All 4 types
Release: SO-TA December 23
Specifications: Capsule toy body PVC
Size: Body total length approximately 200mm
[SO-TA Official Store purchase bonus]
This product comes with the following benefits for each 1BOX purchase.
◆SO-TA Official Store limited ◆
SO-TA official store limited color Saiguuryu
Copyright notice: © Muramatsu Ayumi
Specs: (Inner box only) Height 11.5 x Width 8.0 x Depth 8.0cm
Material: PVC
Size: Total length approx. 200mm, height approx. 80mm
Target age: 15 years old and above
Country of manufacture: Made in China
Product Specifications
[1BOX] 2 pieces
[Size] Total length approximately 200mm, height: approximately 80mm
[Material] PVC
Enclosed according to the manufacturer's specified ratio from all two types.
-The 4th edition of the fantasy creature illustrated book series by modeling artist “Ayumi Muramatsu” is now available!
-This work is a sculptural work that combines dinosaurs with the traditional Japanese carving technique "Miyabori".
- ``Sairanro'' is particular about gorgeous coloring using rich colors, and ``Bokusenro'' is a dry brush to create a simple yet delicate expression inspired by ink painting. The lineup is made with attention to detail, such as painting and gradation.
- Delivered on an overwhelming scale with a total length of about 200mm!
- Sairanro
・Very colorful style
・Luxury specifications with a variety of colors and gold as an accent color
・Ink painting style
・Dry brush & gradation painting specifications
*The pedestal is not included with this product.