Name: MAWL-C1+ Laser Flashlight
Install: 20mm Picatinny Rail
Material:Aluminum Alloy
Duration: 40min
Battery: 16340/CR123A*1(NO Include)
Green Laser + White Light + IR laser + IR Fill Light
Laser Contstant-on,White Light Contstant-on\White Light Momentary-on,IR Fill Light Contstant-on,IR Laser Contstant- on+ IR Fill Light Momentary-on
I GEAR 50lm
II GEAR 110lm
III GEAR 220lm
1. Visible mode: In high or middle mode, double click button A to activate the visible LED, click button A again to tum off the visible LED. Long press button A , activate green visible laser, long press button A again, laser extinguished ; in the moment mode click button A to activate the visible LED momentarily.
2. IR mode : Click button B to activate IR LED momentarily; Double click button B to activate the IR LED, click button again and the IR LED will be closed; Long press button to activate the IR laser, long press button again , the IR laser will be closed.
3. Under any of the working statues , click button A and button B at the same time, the equipment will stop working. Click button A or button B again, the equipment will go into standby mode.