Product parameter:
Dimension : 215 * 100 * 30mm
TYPE-C IN / Output : PD65
USB 1 Output : 5A-2 4A
USB 2 Output : QC3 0
DC Outout : 15V10A
LEDht / sos / Strobe
Cycle life : 3000times
Applicable temper ature range : -20C . + 65C
Operation Instructions:
1. Before start the car , please make sure the host minimum 3 pcs LED indicatedon , then connect the blue plug fully seated into the host socket , and Confirm the cable indicator off.
2. Connect the Red clip to the positive ( + ) battery terminal ,Black clip to the negative ( - )battery terminal
3 . Start the vehice
4. When the vehicles starts , please make sure pull up the clamp cable fromer bank and then from the car batteryplease do not connectthe red and black clip to the vehicle battery terminals over30s
telligent Jumper Cable Special Instructions :
Operate following the instruction of th cable indicator
1. Light on :mean that the connection is correct and the circuit is work ,you can turn on the engine.
2. light off :means wrongly connection of positive and negative to the car battery terminals,the host won't open and work,please check and maka sure connect correctly.
3 . Light quick blinking : means short circuit . the light Will off soon . please check and connect again
4. Light slow Blinking : means battery is under protected from overcharge , the relay is cut off to protect the product . Especially after start successfully ,if not pull up the clamp , the light will blink slowly , if want to start again , pleasmp from the host and car . and then connect Correctly according to the first instruction.
5 . After start the car and pull up the clamp cable , please wait for 30s if want to try again to connect the black and red clamp
Special Precautions of The Auto EPS:
1 . Please put the blue plug enough in theAuto EPS
2 . Make sure that the number of indicatorights are not less than 3
3 . If the Auto EPS can not start car , pleasestop starting car . Please ch eck the clip ofcar's battery clamped firmly or not . Andcheck the battery clip whether clampedfirmly or not , And check there any rust odirt in the car ? Start the car again aftercleaned-up and checked .
4 . During starting . If the blue indicator off orcan't work Please charge for the AutoEPS . Then it will work
5 . During starting . If the Auto EPS can'tcontinue to start car after starting 3-5 times .Please stop starting car . Please check theother breakdowns . Otherwise it will make thefuse and Auto EPS broken
6 . When the car starts . remove Auto EPS cablafrom Auto EPS and disconnected and blackclamps to the car battery terminals within 30 seconds

This product has 4 kinds of plugs, namely UK Plug, US Plug, EU Plug and AU Plug, Pleasepay attention to what kind of plug you need when ordering. If you do not note, the defaultvaluc is the EU standard. Thank you for your understanding. Happy shopping

1.In case of dormancy for long time , it is suggested to maintain certain battery capacity and the product shall be charged at least at every three months
2 . During service or charging process , mild heat of equipment is normal phenomenon but not fault is suggested to use the product under room temperature environment away from moisture , high temperature or ignition source.
4 . Please store products in dry area away from moisture and erosive materials
5 . Do not use coarse chemicals for cleaning , such as soap or detergent.
6 . In case of battery inflation , leakage or peculiar smell , please stop suing battery immediately
7 . Do not drop products in use
8 . Children shall use the battery under instruction of parernts strict accordanceth specification contents to guarantee correct operatio.
9 . Please do not throw about or burn waste mobile power supply and cherishenvironment
1.Question : which functions do start power supply have ?
Answer : five in one . It supports power charge / supply for mobile phone laptop , PSP , MP3 / MP4 and other electronic products ; possessing lightingfunction of differernt modes , it can also guarantee emergency start for auto
2.Question : how can LED emergency lighting be turned on?
Will Start the power switch is allocated to " ON " , press and hold the ON/OFF 3 seconds , start the flashlight , then short press ON/OFF , start the red and blue emergency lights on the panel , then press ON/OFF Closing emergency lamp ,and then press ON/OFF can be directly closed
3.Question : how can an auto be started ?
answer:if an auto cannot be started by the storage battery because of various reasons . the start power supply can exert supernatural effects.At first , inspect electrical quantity of start power . Generally , the auto can be started when there is one check dispay of indicator light . Connect positive and negative polarites of storage battery with positive and negative polarities of storage battery . After red polantites and balck polantires are clamped , insert plug of battery terminal into start outel of start power ,turn auto key to start shift to start auto . If the auto cannot be started pull storage battery plug from the start power supply and remove clip froma auto battery
4.Question : in case of misoperation , what shall happen in case of contack between positve and ne gative polarities of storagebattery wire clip?
Answer:Considerate some careless users wrongly connect the positive and negative position to the car battery terminal , which will maybe make damage to the product and cars , we developed an intelligent clamp cable , which will prevent this damage ,if wrongly connect the positive and negative position to the car battery terminal , the intelligent camp cable won't work , no current input and output , so it is more safe
Jump Starter booster,Portable Power Bank Charger,Auto Starting Device ,Emergency Car Battery ,Car Jump Starter,electric car appliances