FYSETC Voron 2.4 R2 kit 3D Printer Upgraded 3D Printer Parts with Klicky-Probe Leveling and Nevermore V5 DUO Activated Carbon Filter 300/350mm size
NOTE:the kit not include RPI and printed parts
Upgraded Specificaitons:
1. Add the extrusion head hub board Afterburner_Toolhead_X_PCB, and the hub board wiring harness with Teflon
2. Add the Z-axis limit switch board HARTK Z AXIS ENDSTOP MICROSWITCH PCB
3. A full set of labeled harnesses
4. Add PVC cable duct
5. Add hot bed insulation cotton
6. Add VORON Nevermore V5 Air Purifier
7. Equipped with Klicky-Probe leveling upgrade kit and Omron leveling switch
1. The kit does not include RPI and printed parts. If you need to add it, please contact us.
Thanks to Voron team for their high quality 3D printer.