The peak of freestyle DC, challenging the limits of strength. The pinnacle of freestyle DC, challenging the limits of strength.ANTARES DC MD, which takes on the world's monsters in battle, has evolved into a model with one rank higher fighting power, equipped with the low-inertia MGL SPOOL III. The high-performance electronically controlled brake system 4×8DC MD tune has also been redesigned to dramatically increase the precision of its control level. The synergistic effect of MGL SPOOL III and 4×8DC MD Tune has realized a smoother start-up than before, as well as a further extension in the latter half of the cast. This not only improves long castability, but also further refines trouble-free performance. In addition to the adoption of MICROMODULE that provide silky rotation performance, the addition of a support bearing for the drive gear shaft reduces handle rattling and realizes smooth and powerful reeling. This is a true monster spec that embodies unparalleled strength.